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      Kari Polson

      Kari is passionate about helping direct-to-consumer brands grow by optimizing their entire customer experience. She can typically be found with coffee in hand and listening to a good podcast.

      How an OMS Helps Retailers Prepare for the Holiday Season

      Planning for the 2023 holiday season has already begun for many brands. They’re evaluating last...

      5 Footwear Brands Crushing Omnichannel Fulfillment

      As a worldwide pandemic shuttered brick and mortars and confined workers to their homes, retail was...

      How to Successfully Implement Curbside Pickup Solutions

      According to the 2023 Global Digital Shopping Index, nearly one-third of US consumers (roughly 16...

      What is Order Orchestration? Guide to Orchestrated Order Management

      The continued labor shortage coupled with record-breaking ecommerce sales (projected increase of...

      The Next Generation of Omnichannel: What We Learned at Shoptalk 2023

      The Deck Commerce team hit the road this week for one of the biggest retail events of the year:...

      How an Order Management System Helps Brands Navigate Uncertain Economic Climates

      During seasons of economic crisis, consumers’ purse strings tighten a bit more than usual. High...

      What is an Order Management System? Your Retail Order Management Guide

      As buying behaviors continue to shift, the lines between in-store and online shopping have become...

      The Ultimate Guide to Omnichannel & Unified Commerce

      Today more retailers are seeking unified commerce—or a seamless customer experience irrespective of...

      5 Ways to Create a Customer-Centric Returns Experience

      Did you know a whopping 75% of shoppers think returns are the most painful part of buying online?...

      How an OMS Optimizes the Returns Process

      Retailers need to be prepared to handle the incoming influx of returns both post-holiday and in...

      5 Shopping Experiences that Indicate Retailers Need an OMS

      Everyone knows customer experience can make or break a brand. Smooth shopping experiences are more...

      9 Reasons Retailers Need an OmniChannel Platform

      To say consumer shopping habits have changed over the past few years is a dramatic understatement....

      6 Unique Benefits of Omnichannel eCommerce Solutions

      In today’s eCommerce environment, retailers are often selling across multiple sales channels and ...

      How an OMS Automates Order Fulfillment On Your Storefront

      Ecommerce is expected to exceed one trillion dollars in the U.S. for the first time ever. As the...

      5 Reasons to Consider Online Order Fulfillment Software

      Order fulfillment software, also known as order management software (OMS), provides companies with...

      When to Upgrade Your Order Management System

      We don’t have to tell you that the retail business is always evolving. Over the past few years,...