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      The Deck Commerce Blog

      The latest updates on distributed order management, commerce industry trends, and our customers' success.

      Posts about

      Customer Service

      The Next Generation of Omnichannel: What We Learned at Shoptalk 2023

      The Deck Commerce team hit the road this week for one of the biggest retail events of the year:...

      How an Order Management System Helps Brands Navigate Uncertain Economic Climates

      During seasons of economic crisis, consumers’ purse strings tighten a bit more than usual. High...

      How an OMS Works with Your Storefront for the Best Customer Experience

      To create an ideal customer experience, retailers need to look at the entire purchasing...

      Order Management: Making Customer Service More Productive for Retailers

      The phone is ringing off the hook, live chat is blowing up, and where did that pick-up-in-store...