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      Chris Deck

      Founder and CEO

      A Letter from the CEO: Crushing Cyber Monday Sales Records

      What happens when you invest in good technology to deliver exceptional online experiences? You set...

      Finding Inventory Equilibrium with Pre-orders and Back Orders

      Running an omnichannel retail brand requires careful balancing pre-orders, backorders and in-stock...

      4 Tips for Improving Ecommerce Inventory Management

      Inefficient inventory management leads to sunken costs on dead stock and unnecessary storage...

      A Letter from the CEO: 3 Takeaways from Commerce Cloud XChange

      As I was flying back from Las Vegas last night, I reflected on another successful and inspiring...

      E-commerce Opportunities to Surge in Coming Years

      Today's interconnected world means consumers can shop for anything they want, anywhere at anytime....

      A Look Back at 2016 - A Letter from the CEO

      At Deck Commerce, moving fast and managing opportunities can let time slip by without reflection...

      A Visual Overview of an Order's Lifecycle [Infographic]

      A true omni-channel order management solution should support an order throughout its entire life...